Thursday, June 5, 2008


Bringing meaning and significance to education reminds of what we talked about today with making connections, creating and remembering information as a story, making it stick, and looking at the whole picture not just the pieces. It's not traditional teaching, it's teaching in a different way making the students more responsible for the outcome.

9 Principles

Change is hard for anybody. Sometimes it's even hard for us as teachers because change happens more than we want it to. Personally, I like change because I think it helps me grow as a person not just as a teacher. I see a lot of what we are doing with technology and where we are headed as change in the right direction. I wish every teacher in every school could see that. I don't think you are doing your best teaching if you're not willing to learn yourself. We all know it's hard to get everyone on board with a new change but if administration is on board I think it helps. I have to admit I am one of those people who does not like the unexpected. But with all the changes in technology, I have learned to "learn from my mistakes" and know that I'm probably not going to get it right the first time. And that's o.k.

blogger in classroom

Blogging would be a fun way to have students reflect on their day. You could come up with lots of ideas to use this with in the classroom. Even for third graders!

Wednesday's reflection

I'm learning new things that's for sure! All this time I've been using the smartboard I never knew you could record with it! It's amazing to me what a person doesn't know even though we've been using it for quite some time. Sarah and I really tried to use voicethread. I wish we could've gotten that to work with our book presentation for Thursday.Instead we used Keynote and recorded there (I also didn't know that). It's great to take these classes because I realy do learn things I didn't know.

Web 2.0 Tool Promo

I did a promotion for a web 2.0 tool called

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


This article reminds me a lot of what we were discussing yesterday at the beginning of class. Students do need these life skills but they also need the school skills too. Corporate America needs to help out just like Steve said yesterday. It was cool to see that the things we said we found in this article. We as teachers know that students need those skills, but there are other people that need to be convinced this is what's needed for the real world.

Tuesday reflection

Wow! There's a lot of web tools out there! It's great to see such a variety. As creative as we teachers are, I know we would come up with many ways to use them. I also liked the bundling of the tags on the delicious accounts. That's one thing I know I will definitely do! Plus the music--I love that there is something out there that is free and I can listen to at school when my room is empty. I'm one who needs music to keep moving and working. I'm also anxious to check teachertube and figure out a way to use google earth int he classroom.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

six word stories

Essentials of life: chocolate, Coke, golf

Monday, June 2, 2008

21st skills

I like how the skills are divided up from basic to higher level. It makes a teacher feel like she doesn't have to cover all of them just the ones that can be used in a lesson. The examples used in the classroom did a good job of showing how to keep the content and incorporate technology. Building on those concepts seems to improve other subject areas. I also liked how not everything the class did was technology based. There were still experiments and other things being done.


NETA did a good job of going over the different ways to search for things on google! I like the search guidelines for looking for information. I think for third graders this is a good place to start for researching topics. It would narrow the information for them to look at. Then I wouldn't feel like I'm being pulled in 10 different ways. Searching would also be easier for me in case I want to bookmark the sites we need to go to.

first post for class

I am taking a class called 21st Century Learning this week. This will be my blog on this class. looking forward to new technology features and projects!